That's ice forming on the inside of my windows. The inside thermostat read a cool 57 degrees ferenheight! I think the heater was having a hard time keeping up. We were frosty - literally. The outside temp was -8 and with the wind chill it brought it down to -19! The poor kids looked like stay-puff marshmallow men and they weren't even going outside.
The hubs went to check the furnace and guess what!? We forgot to flip the switch from summer to winter. Not sure what it does but the house warmed up slowly. Thank God for intelligent husbands and a still working furnace.
This afternoon was still chilly. Chilly enough that my car doors were frozen shut and my car was in my garage! Yikes.
Thanking God my heater is properly working and keeping my house a cozy 67. Hope you're keeping warm.
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