

Day 11 of 365

I'm grateful for sleepy little babes...

Last night we had a house trembling thunderstorm and it scared my monkeys half to death. 

The rain started first and it was a hard hitting rain that plunked on the windows - the kind that makes you wonder if it's hailing outside. Little shots of lighting soon followed but the thunder wasn't so bad in the beginning. But then 
lightening clapped overhead so bright my whole room lit up and I knew the thunder would be loud. 

As I started to get out of bed - the house started to shake from the massive rolling thunder so I picked up my step to try to get to the kids before they came screaming down the hall and before I could get into the hallway Aletheia comes running into my legs crying her eyes out. Then Ambrose comes out of his room crying with his fingers in his ears trying to block the thunder out. Right after I see Ambrose and on my way to get him, Petra wails from her room too scared to get out of bed. So I brought them to my room to sleep - Petra in my arms and a kid huddling each leg. Virgil managed to sleep through all of that commotion thanks be to God. 

It took a good hour to calm them down but eventualy they did fall asleep and we even got to sleep in until 7:30AM! That my friends is a miracle. 

Well tonight they are resting peacefully in their own rooms and sleeping soundly for now. 

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