

What I Wore on Sunday

Doing my first link up with Fine Linen and Purple with What I Wore on Sunday. Make sure you put on some ray bans because the shine in my forehead will blind you. We took this photo at the very last second and I wanted to take another one but the kids....that's all I have to really say because you understand don't you? My shirt was unbuttoned but I'm covering a HUGE yellow curry stain that looks like fresh baby poo. Virgil twisted in my arms as the spoon was about to reach my mouth and then there you have looked like I was lactating yellow poo because it landed squarely on boob.

Petra decided to join me for the photo sans one sock. 

Denim Shirt: American Eagle clearance
Skirt: Made by me because I love maxi skirts and I really really really wanted a pink one but didn't want to pay $$$. 
Shoes: Chaco Flippity Flopps 

OK you non-existent readers of mine. Go check out other mamas and support them at FL&P.


fashchronicles said...

Love your skirt! That pink color is gorgeous :)

Visiting from the blog hop. If you have a sec, I'd love for you to swing by mine too:

Unknown said...

Thanks Abigail. Loved your blog!
