

My Nephew

Ok because I can't resist. I must show you a picture of my nephew J. He is the cutest little Yoda for Halloween. My sister is beautiful isn't she - I mean, come on, look at that skin. Are you serious? How are people born with that kind of skin? It just kills me.

Oh and I hope my sister doesn't get mad at me for posting these. So you better take a look before I am forced to take them down!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wanted to let you know: the winner of my giveaway at Now Entering Momville hasn't responded.

I would be happy to make you a custom necklace if you are still interested.

All I need from you is the fabric: you can either send a swatch approx: 3"x3" or you can mail the whole garment and I'll send the rest back with the finished necklace.

If you're interested you can email me at:

:)Jen/Blue Mama

*sorry I posted anonymously,I was having problems signing in with my google identity!
