This was and still is my favorite t-shirt. It's just too bad I can't fit into it anymore. This shirt reminds me of romantic times with my hubby the day after we got engaged driving across country.
Ever since I had a baby I haven't been able to fit into it. My boobs jumped from a B-cup to a D-cup and not to mention the muffin top that I have been sporting for the last 10 months. I am not upset - I love having my daughter and God willing I will have many more children - I just miss wearing it and hate the thought of doing 100 crunches a day to be able to wear it again. I'm guessing my boobs will go down in size once I stop nursing but I heard that that info isn't a guarantee. Is there a way to expand this shirt without making it look cheesy or should I just put it in a chest and save it for my little girl to wear when she gets older and into my skinny clothes?
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