I made my daughter, A, a quilt before she was born. Hopefully it is the first of many. My husband and I didn't want to find out the sex of our child before she came so I was actually trying to make a neutral quilt. It came out a little more feminine than I hoped but I love it still. Eventually I will stitch on all the names of our children and their birth dates.
When she gets a little bigger I will make another one that is more girly to fit her big girl bed. I have dreams of being old and opening our blanket chest to look at all of the quilts I made for our children over the years. Then they will be able to pass them on to their children. Another dream is to take a quilt and lay out in the grass and have a picnic while my husband reads a book aloud with my head in his lap and the children either listening or playing nearby.
Now my sister is going to make a quilt for her little boy and I am on the look out for blogging websites and info for the both of us.
Any suggestions would be great and helpful in our quest.
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