Here we are again - another Monday. I hope the weekend went well for everyone. At our house we were catching up on some much needed sleep and trying to veg out as much as possible.
So on to Make It Yourself Monday. Since we did a recipe last Monday today we will try something crafty. I stumbled upon It is a great source for home-made projects that anyone can do. Today I am pulling off of their list and we are going to make Dammit Dolls. Since I don't have pictures of the dolls I have made and given away to someone in need - we will use theirs.
What you will need:
Calico or felt
Wool or doll hair
Toy filling or rice
Sewing machine or hand sew
Felt pens or embroidery thread
These dolls are great fun and a funny gift. They will help relieve the stress of your loved ones and put a smile back on their face in no time. You can squeeze, throw, or hit the doll to relieve all your worries.
1. Take your felt and draw a doll shape onto it - you can use the shape below. It doesn't have to be perfect. Now cut that shape out.
2. Hand sew or sew with a sewing machine the two pieces together. If you want to use rice - it would be best if you used a sewing machine so you don't have pieces of rice flying around. Leave a two inch opening somewhere so you can turn the doll inside out ( use a dull pencil or the end of scissors to get all the edges out)- or if you like the look of the stitching - leave as is.
3. Through the opening fill with - cotton balls, rice, doll stuffing, or a mixture of two. Something to give the doll shape and form. If you would like to add some dried lavender flowers that would be great so when you or your loved one is whacking the doll on the desk puffs of lavender will come out to help aid in your relaxation.
4. Now hand stitch the opening closed using a back stitch to ensure nothing will come out. Add some facial features, hair with yarn, clothes, a bow, or whatever kind of decorations you can think of and viola! You have yourself a Dammit Doll.

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